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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License in the project root for license information.
* ManagedDevice File
* PHP version 7
* @category Library
* @package Microsoft.Graph
* @copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
* @link https://graph.microsoft.com
namespace Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model;
* ManagedDevice class
* @category Model
* @package Microsoft.Graph
* @copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
* @link https://graph.microsoft.com
class ManagedDevice extends Entity
* Gets the cloudPcRemoteActionResults
* @return array|null The cloudPcRemoteActionResults
public function getCloudPcRemoteActionResults()
if (array_key_exists("cloudPcRemoteActionResults", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["cloudPcRemoteActionResults"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the cloudPcRemoteActionResults
* @param CloudPcRemoteActionResult[] $val The cloudPcRemoteActionResults
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setCloudPcRemoteActionResults($val)
$this->_propDict["cloudPcRemoteActionResults"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the aadRegistered
* Whether the device is Azure Active Directory registered. This property is read-only.
* @return bool|null The aadRegistered
public function getAadRegistered()
if (array_key_exists("aadRegistered", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["aadRegistered"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the aadRegistered
* Whether the device is Azure Active Directory registered. This property is read-only.
* @param bool $val The aadRegistered
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setAadRegistered($val)
$this->_propDict["aadRegistered"] = boolval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the activationLockBypassCode
* Code that allows the Activation Lock on a device to be bypassed. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The activationLockBypassCode
public function getActivationLockBypassCode()
if (array_key_exists("activationLockBypassCode", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["activationLockBypassCode"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the activationLockBypassCode
* Code that allows the Activation Lock on a device to be bypassed. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The activationLockBypassCode
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setActivationLockBypassCode($val)
$this->_propDict["activationLockBypassCode"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the androidSecurityPatchLevel
* Android security patch level. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The androidSecurityPatchLevel
public function getAndroidSecurityPatchLevel()
if (array_key_exists("androidSecurityPatchLevel", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["androidSecurityPatchLevel"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the androidSecurityPatchLevel
* Android security patch level. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The androidSecurityPatchLevel
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setAndroidSecurityPatchLevel($val)
$this->_propDict["androidSecurityPatchLevel"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the autopilotEnrolled
* Reports if the managed device is enrolled via auto-pilot. This property is read-only.
* @return bool|null The autopilotEnrolled
public function getAutopilotEnrolled()
if (array_key_exists("autopilotEnrolled", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["autopilotEnrolled"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the autopilotEnrolled
* Reports if the managed device is enrolled via auto-pilot. This property is read-only.
* @param bool $val The autopilotEnrolled
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setAutopilotEnrolled($val)
$this->_propDict["autopilotEnrolled"] = boolval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId
* The unique identifier for the Azure Active Directory device. Read only. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId
public function getAzureActiveDirectoryDeviceId()
if (array_key_exists("azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId
* The unique identifier for the Azure Active Directory device. Read only. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setAzureActiveDirectoryDeviceId($val)
$this->_propDict["azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the azureADDeviceId
* The unique identifier for the Azure Active Directory device. Read only. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The azureADDeviceId
public function getAzureADDeviceId()
if (array_key_exists("azureADDeviceId", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["azureADDeviceId"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the azureADDeviceId
* The unique identifier for the Azure Active Directory device. Read only. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The azureADDeviceId
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setAzureADDeviceId($val)
$this->_propDict["azureADDeviceId"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the azureADRegistered
* Whether the device is Azure Active Directory registered. This property is read-only.
* @return bool|null The azureADRegistered
public function getAzureADRegistered()
if (array_key_exists("azureADRegistered", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["azureADRegistered"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the azureADRegistered
* Whether the device is Azure Active Directory registered. This property is read-only.
* @param bool $val The azureADRegistered
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setAzureADRegistered($val)
$this->_propDict["azureADRegistered"] = boolval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the bootstrapTokenEscrowed
* Reports if the managed device has an escrowed Bootstrap Token. This is only for macOS devices. If FALSE, no bootstrap token is escrowed. If TRUE, the device has escrowed a bootstrap token with Intune. This property is read-only.
* @return bool|null The bootstrapTokenEscrowed
public function getBootstrapTokenEscrowed()
if (array_key_exists("bootstrapTokenEscrowed", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["bootstrapTokenEscrowed"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the bootstrapTokenEscrowed
* Reports if the managed device has an escrowed Bootstrap Token. This is only for macOS devices. If FALSE, no bootstrap token is escrowed. If TRUE, the device has escrowed a bootstrap token with Intune. This property is read-only.
* @param bool $val The bootstrapTokenEscrowed
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setBootstrapTokenEscrowed($val)
$this->_propDict["bootstrapTokenEscrowed"] = boolval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the chassisType
* Chassis type of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, desktop, laptop, worksWorkstation, enterpriseServer, phone, tablet, mobileOther, mobileUnknown.
* @return ChassisType|null The chassisType
public function getChassisType()
if (array_key_exists("chassisType", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["chassisType"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ChassisType") || is_null($this->_propDict["chassisType"])) {
return $this->_propDict["chassisType"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["chassisType"] = new ChassisType($this->_propDict["chassisType"]);
return $this->_propDict["chassisType"];
return null;
* Sets the chassisType
* Chassis type of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, desktop, laptop, worksWorkstation, enterpriseServer, phone, tablet, mobileOther, mobileUnknown.
* @param ChassisType $val The chassisType
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setChassisType($val)
$this->_propDict["chassisType"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the chromeOSDeviceInfo
* List of properties of the ChromeOS Device.
* @return array|null The chromeOSDeviceInfo
public function getChromeOSDeviceInfo()
if (array_key_exists("chromeOSDeviceInfo", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["chromeOSDeviceInfo"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the chromeOSDeviceInfo
* List of properties of the ChromeOS Device.
* @param ChromeOSDeviceProperty[] $val The chromeOSDeviceInfo
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setChromeOSDeviceInfo($val)
$this->_propDict["chromeOSDeviceInfo"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime
* The DateTime when device compliance grace period expires. This property is read-only.
* @return \DateTime|null The complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime
public function getComplianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime()
if (array_key_exists("complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime"], "\DateTime") || is_null($this->_propDict["complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime"])) {
return $this->_propDict["complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime"] = new \DateTime($this->_propDict["complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime"]);
return $this->_propDict["complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime"];
return null;
* Sets the complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime
* The DateTime when device compliance grace period expires. This property is read-only.
* @param \DateTime $val The complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setComplianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime($val)
$this->_propDict["complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the complianceState
* Compliance state of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, compliant, noncompliant, conflict, error, inGracePeriod, configManager.
* @return ComplianceState|null The complianceState
public function getComplianceState()
if (array_key_exists("complianceState", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["complianceState"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ComplianceState") || is_null($this->_propDict["complianceState"])) {
return $this->_propDict["complianceState"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["complianceState"] = new ComplianceState($this->_propDict["complianceState"]);
return $this->_propDict["complianceState"];
return null;
* Sets the complianceState
* Compliance state of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, compliant, noncompliant, conflict, error, inGracePeriod, configManager.
* @param ComplianceState $val The complianceState
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setComplianceState($val)
$this->_propDict["complianceState"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures
* ConfigrMgr client enabled features. This property is read-only.
* @return ConfigurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures|null The configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures
public function getConfigurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures()
if (array_key_exists("configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ConfigurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures") || is_null($this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures"])) {
return $this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures"] = new ConfigurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures($this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures"]);
return $this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures"];
return null;
* Sets the configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures
* ConfigrMgr client enabled features. This property is read-only.
* @param ConfigurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures $val The configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setConfigurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures($val)
$this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the configurationManagerClientHealthState
* Configuration manager client health state, valid only for devices managed by MDM/ConfigMgr Agent
* @return ConfigurationManagerClientHealthState|null The configurationManagerClientHealthState
public function getConfigurationManagerClientHealthState()
if (array_key_exists("configurationManagerClientHealthState", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientHealthState"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ConfigurationManagerClientHealthState") || is_null($this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientHealthState"])) {
return $this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientHealthState"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientHealthState"] = new ConfigurationManagerClientHealthState($this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientHealthState"]);
return $this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientHealthState"];
return null;
* Sets the configurationManagerClientHealthState
* Configuration manager client health state, valid only for devices managed by MDM/ConfigMgr Agent
* @param ConfigurationManagerClientHealthState $val The configurationManagerClientHealthState
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setConfigurationManagerClientHealthState($val)
$this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientHealthState"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the configurationManagerClientInformation
* Configuration manager client information, valid only for devices managed, duel-managed or tri-managed by ConfigMgr Agent
* @return ConfigurationManagerClientInformation|null The configurationManagerClientInformation
public function getConfigurationManagerClientInformation()
if (array_key_exists("configurationManagerClientInformation", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientInformation"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ConfigurationManagerClientInformation") || is_null($this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientInformation"])) {
return $this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientInformation"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientInformation"] = new ConfigurationManagerClientInformation($this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientInformation"]);
return $this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientInformation"];
return null;
* Sets the configurationManagerClientInformation
* Configuration manager client information, valid only for devices managed, duel-managed or tri-managed by ConfigMgr Agent
* @param ConfigurationManagerClientInformation $val The configurationManagerClientInformation
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setConfigurationManagerClientInformation($val)
$this->_propDict["configurationManagerClientInformation"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceActionResults
* List of ComplexType deviceActionResult objects. This property is read-only.
* @return array|null The deviceActionResults
public function getDeviceActionResults()
if (array_key_exists("deviceActionResults", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceActionResults"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the deviceActionResults
* List of ComplexType deviceActionResult objects. This property is read-only.
* @param DeviceActionResult[] $val The deviceActionResults
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceActionResults($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceActionResults"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceCategoryDisplayName
* Device category display name. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The deviceCategoryDisplayName
public function getDeviceCategoryDisplayName()
if (array_key_exists("deviceCategoryDisplayName", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceCategoryDisplayName"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the deviceCategoryDisplayName
* Device category display name. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The deviceCategoryDisplayName
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceCategoryDisplayName($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceCategoryDisplayName"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceEnrollmentType
* Enrollment type of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, userEnrollment, deviceEnrollmentManager, appleBulkWithUser, appleBulkWithoutUser, windowsAzureADJoin, windowsBulkUserless, windowsAutoEnrollment, windowsBulkAzureDomainJoin, windowsCoManagement, windowsAzureADJoinUsingDeviceAuth, appleUserEnrollment, appleUserEnrollmentWithServiceAccount, azureAdJoinUsingAzureVmExtension, androidEnterpriseDedicatedDevice, androidEnterpriseFullyManaged, androidEnterpriseCorporateWorkProfile.
* @return DeviceEnrollmentType|null The deviceEnrollmentType
public function getDeviceEnrollmentType()
if (array_key_exists("deviceEnrollmentType", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["deviceEnrollmentType"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\DeviceEnrollmentType") || is_null($this->_propDict["deviceEnrollmentType"])) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceEnrollmentType"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["deviceEnrollmentType"] = new DeviceEnrollmentType($this->_propDict["deviceEnrollmentType"]);
return $this->_propDict["deviceEnrollmentType"];
return null;
* Sets the deviceEnrollmentType
* Enrollment type of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, userEnrollment, deviceEnrollmentManager, appleBulkWithUser, appleBulkWithoutUser, windowsAzureADJoin, windowsBulkUserless, windowsAutoEnrollment, windowsBulkAzureDomainJoin, windowsCoManagement, windowsAzureADJoinUsingDeviceAuth, appleUserEnrollment, appleUserEnrollmentWithServiceAccount, azureAdJoinUsingAzureVmExtension, androidEnterpriseDedicatedDevice, androidEnterpriseFullyManaged, androidEnterpriseCorporateWorkProfile.
* @param DeviceEnrollmentType $val The deviceEnrollmentType
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceEnrollmentType($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceEnrollmentType"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged
* Indicates whether the device is DFCI managed. When TRUE the device is DFCI managed. When FALSE, the device is not DFCI managed. The default value is FALSE.
* @return bool|null The deviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged
public function getDeviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged()
if (array_key_exists("deviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the deviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged
* Indicates whether the device is DFCI managed. When TRUE the device is DFCI managed. When FALSE, the device is not DFCI managed. The default value is FALSE.
* @param bool $val The deviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManaged"] = boolval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the deviceHealthAttestationState
* The device health attestation state. This property is read-only.
* @return DeviceHealthAttestationState|null The deviceHealthAttestationState
public function getDeviceHealthAttestationState()
if (array_key_exists("deviceHealthAttestationState", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["deviceHealthAttestationState"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\DeviceHealthAttestationState") || is_null($this->_propDict["deviceHealthAttestationState"])) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceHealthAttestationState"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["deviceHealthAttestationState"] = new DeviceHealthAttestationState($this->_propDict["deviceHealthAttestationState"]);
return $this->_propDict["deviceHealthAttestationState"];
return null;
* Sets the deviceHealthAttestationState
* The device health attestation state. This property is read-only.
* @param DeviceHealthAttestationState $val The deviceHealthAttestationState
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceHealthAttestationState($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceHealthAttestationState"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceName
* Name of the device. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The deviceName
public function getDeviceName()
if (array_key_exists("deviceName", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceName"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the deviceName
* Name of the device. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The deviceName
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceName($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceName"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceRegistrationState
* Device registration state. This property is read-only. Possible values are: notRegistered, registered, revoked, keyConflict, approvalPending, certificateReset, notRegisteredPendingEnrollment, unknown.
* @return DeviceRegistrationState|null The deviceRegistrationState
public function getDeviceRegistrationState()
if (array_key_exists("deviceRegistrationState", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["deviceRegistrationState"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\DeviceRegistrationState") || is_null($this->_propDict["deviceRegistrationState"])) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceRegistrationState"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["deviceRegistrationState"] = new DeviceRegistrationState($this->_propDict["deviceRegistrationState"]);
return $this->_propDict["deviceRegistrationState"];
return null;
* Sets the deviceRegistrationState
* Device registration state. This property is read-only. Possible values are: notRegistered, registered, revoked, keyConflict, approvalPending, certificateReset, notRegisteredPendingEnrollment, unknown.
* @param DeviceRegistrationState $val The deviceRegistrationState
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceRegistrationState($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceRegistrationState"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceType
* Platform of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: desktop, windowsRT, winMO6, nokia, windowsPhone, mac, winCE, winEmbedded, iPhone, iPad, iPod, android, iSocConsumer, unix, macMDM, holoLens, surfaceHub, androidForWork, androidEnterprise, windows10x, androidnGMS, chromeOS, linux, blackberry, palm, unknown, cloudPC.
* @return DeviceType|null The deviceType
public function getDeviceType()
if (array_key_exists("deviceType", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["deviceType"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\DeviceType") || is_null($this->_propDict["deviceType"])) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceType"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["deviceType"] = new DeviceType($this->_propDict["deviceType"]);
return $this->_propDict["deviceType"];
return null;
* Sets the deviceType
* Platform of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: desktop, windowsRT, winMO6, nokia, windowsPhone, mac, winCE, winEmbedded, iPhone, iPad, iPod, android, iSocConsumer, unix, macMDM, holoLens, surfaceHub, androidForWork, androidEnterprise, windows10x, androidnGMS, chromeOS, linux, blackberry, palm, unknown, cloudPC.
* @param DeviceType $val The deviceType
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceType($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceType"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the easActivated
* Whether the device is Exchange ActiveSync activated. This property is read-only.
* @return bool|null The easActivated
public function getEasActivated()
if (array_key_exists("easActivated", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["easActivated"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the easActivated
* Whether the device is Exchange ActiveSync activated. This property is read-only.
* @param bool $val The easActivated
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setEasActivated($val)
$this->_propDict["easActivated"] = boolval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the easActivationDateTime
* Exchange ActivationSync activation time of the device. This property is read-only.
* @return \DateTime|null The easActivationDateTime
public function getEasActivationDateTime()
if (array_key_exists("easActivationDateTime", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["easActivationDateTime"], "\DateTime") || is_null($this->_propDict["easActivationDateTime"])) {
return $this->_propDict["easActivationDateTime"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["easActivationDateTime"] = new \DateTime($this->_propDict["easActivationDateTime"]);
return $this->_propDict["easActivationDateTime"];
return null;
* Sets the easActivationDateTime
* Exchange ActivationSync activation time of the device. This property is read-only.
* @param \DateTime $val The easActivationDateTime
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setEasActivationDateTime($val)
$this->_propDict["easActivationDateTime"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the easDeviceId
* Exchange ActiveSync Id of the device. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The easDeviceId
public function getEasDeviceId()
if (array_key_exists("easDeviceId", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["easDeviceId"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the easDeviceId
* Exchange ActiveSync Id of the device. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The easDeviceId
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setEasDeviceId($val)
$this->_propDict["easDeviceId"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the emailAddress
* Email(s) for the user associated with the device. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The emailAddress
public function getEmailAddress()
if (array_key_exists("emailAddress", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["emailAddress"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the emailAddress
* Email(s) for the user associated with the device. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The emailAddress
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setEmailAddress($val)
$this->_propDict["emailAddress"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the enrolledDateTime
* Enrollment time of the device. This property is read-only.
* @return \DateTime|null The enrolledDateTime
public function getEnrolledDateTime()
if (array_key_exists("enrolledDateTime", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["enrolledDateTime"], "\DateTime") || is_null($this->_propDict["enrolledDateTime"])) {
return $this->_propDict["enrolledDateTime"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["enrolledDateTime"] = new \DateTime($this->_propDict["enrolledDateTime"]);
return $this->_propDict["enrolledDateTime"];
return null;
* Sets the enrolledDateTime
* Enrollment time of the device. This property is read-only.
* @param \DateTime $val The enrolledDateTime
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setEnrolledDateTime($val)
$this->_propDict["enrolledDateTime"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the enrollmentProfileName
* Name of the enrollment profile assigned to the device. Default value is empty string, indicating no enrollment profile was assgined. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The enrollmentProfileName
public function getEnrollmentProfileName()
if (array_key_exists("enrollmentProfileName", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["enrollmentProfileName"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the enrollmentProfileName
* Name of the enrollment profile assigned to the device. Default value is empty string, indicating no enrollment profile was assgined. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The enrollmentProfileName
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setEnrollmentProfileName($val)
$this->_propDict["enrollmentProfileName"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the ethernetMacAddress
* Ethernet MAC. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The ethernetMacAddress
public function getEthernetMacAddress()
if (array_key_exists("ethernetMacAddress", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["ethernetMacAddress"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the ethernetMacAddress
* Ethernet MAC. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The ethernetMacAddress
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setEthernetMacAddress($val)
$this->_propDict["ethernetMacAddress"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the exchangeAccessState
* The Access State of the device in Exchange. This property is read-only. Possible values are: none, unknown, allowed, blocked, quarantined.
* @return DeviceManagementExchangeAccessState|null The exchangeAccessState
public function getExchangeAccessState()
if (array_key_exists("exchangeAccessState", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["exchangeAccessState"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\DeviceManagementExchangeAccessState") || is_null($this->_propDict["exchangeAccessState"])) {
return $this->_propDict["exchangeAccessState"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["exchangeAccessState"] = new DeviceManagementExchangeAccessState($this->_propDict["exchangeAccessState"]);
return $this->_propDict["exchangeAccessState"];
return null;
* Sets the exchangeAccessState
* The Access State of the device in Exchange. This property is read-only. Possible values are: none, unknown, allowed, blocked, quarantined.
* @param DeviceManagementExchangeAccessState $val The exchangeAccessState
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setExchangeAccessState($val)
$this->_propDict["exchangeAccessState"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the exchangeAccessStateReason
* The reason for the device's access state in Exchange. This property is read-only. Possible values are: none, unknown, exchangeGlobalRule, exchangeIndividualRule, exchangeDeviceRule, exchangeUpgrade, exchangeMailboxPolicy, other, compliant, notCompliant, notEnrolled, unknownLocation, mfaRequired, azureADBlockDueToAccessPolicy, compromisedPassword, deviceNotKnownWithManagedApp.
* @return DeviceManagementExchangeAccessStateReason|null The exchangeAccessStateReason
public function getExchangeAccessStateReason()
if (array_key_exists("exchangeAccessStateReason", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["exchangeAccessStateReason"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\DeviceManagementExchangeAccessStateReason") || is_null($this->_propDict["exchangeAccessStateReason"])) {
return $this->_propDict["exchangeAccessStateReason"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["exchangeAccessStateReason"] = new DeviceManagementExchangeAccessStateReason($this->_propDict["exchangeAccessStateReason"]);
return $this->_propDict["exchangeAccessStateReason"];
return null;
* Sets the exchangeAccessStateReason
* The reason for the device's access state in Exchange. This property is read-only. Possible values are: none, unknown, exchangeGlobalRule, exchangeIndividualRule, exchangeDeviceRule, exchangeUpgrade, exchangeMailboxPolicy, other, compliant, notCompliant, notEnrolled, unknownLocation, mfaRequired, azureADBlockDueToAccessPolicy, compromisedPassword, deviceNotKnownWithManagedApp.
* @param DeviceManagementExchangeAccessStateReason $val The exchangeAccessStateReason
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setExchangeAccessStateReason($val)
$this->_propDict["exchangeAccessStateReason"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime
* Last time the device contacted Exchange. This property is read-only.
* @return \DateTime|null The exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime
public function getExchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime()
if (array_key_exists("exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime"], "\DateTime") || is_null($this->_propDict["exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime"])) {
return $this->_propDict["exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime"] = new \DateTime($this->_propDict["exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime"]);
return $this->_propDict["exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime"];
return null;
* Sets the exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime
* Last time the device contacted Exchange. This property is read-only.
* @param \DateTime $val The exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setExchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime($val)
$this->_propDict["exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the freeStorageSpaceInBytes
* Free Storage in Bytes. This property is read-only.
* @return int|null The freeStorageSpaceInBytes
public function getFreeStorageSpaceInBytes()
if (array_key_exists("freeStorageSpaceInBytes", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["freeStorageSpaceInBytes"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the freeStorageSpaceInBytes
* Free Storage in Bytes. This property is read-only.
* @param int $val The freeStorageSpaceInBytes
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setFreeStorageSpaceInBytes($val)
$this->_propDict["freeStorageSpaceInBytes"] = intval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the hardwareInformation
* The hardward details for the device. Includes information such as storage space, manufacturer, serial number, etc. This property is read-only.
* @return HardwareInformation|null The hardwareInformation
public function getHardwareInformation()
if (array_key_exists("hardwareInformation", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["hardwareInformation"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\HardwareInformation") || is_null($this->_propDict["hardwareInformation"])) {
return $this->_propDict["hardwareInformation"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["hardwareInformation"] = new HardwareInformation($this->_propDict["hardwareInformation"]);
return $this->_propDict["hardwareInformation"];
return null;
* Sets the hardwareInformation
* The hardward details for the device. Includes information such as storage space, manufacturer, serial number, etc. This property is read-only.
* @param HardwareInformation $val The hardwareInformation
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setHardwareInformation($val)
$this->_propDict["hardwareInformation"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the iccid
* Integrated Circuit Card Identifier, it is A SIM card's unique identification number. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The iccid
public function getIccid()
if (array_key_exists("iccid", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["iccid"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the iccid
* Integrated Circuit Card Identifier, it is A SIM card's unique identification number. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The iccid
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setIccid($val)
$this->_propDict["iccid"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the imei
* IMEI. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The imei
public function getImei()
if (array_key_exists("imei", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["imei"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the imei
* IMEI. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The imei
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setImei($val)
$this->_propDict["imei"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the isEncrypted
* Device encryption status. This property is read-only.
* @return bool|null The isEncrypted
public function getIsEncrypted()
if (array_key_exists("isEncrypted", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["isEncrypted"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the isEncrypted
* Device encryption status. This property is read-only.
* @param bool $val The isEncrypted
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setIsEncrypted($val)
$this->_propDict["isEncrypted"] = boolval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the isSupervised
* Device supervised status. This property is read-only.
* @return bool|null The isSupervised
public function getIsSupervised()
if (array_key_exists("isSupervised", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["isSupervised"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the isSupervised
* Device supervised status. This property is read-only.
* @param bool $val The isSupervised
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setIsSupervised($val)
$this->_propDict["isSupervised"] = boolval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the jailBroken
* whether the device is jail broken or rooted. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The jailBroken
public function getJailBroken()
if (array_key_exists("jailBroken", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["jailBroken"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the jailBroken
* whether the device is jail broken or rooted. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The jailBroken
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setJailBroken($val)
$this->_propDict["jailBroken"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the joinType
* Device join type. Possible values are: unknown, azureADJoined, azureADRegistered, hybridAzureADJoined.
* @return JoinType|null The joinType
public function getJoinType()
if (array_key_exists("joinType", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["joinType"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\JoinType") || is_null($this->_propDict["joinType"])) {
return $this->_propDict["joinType"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["joinType"] = new JoinType($this->_propDict["joinType"]);
return $this->_propDict["joinType"];
return null;
* Sets the joinType
* Device join type. Possible values are: unknown, azureADJoined, azureADRegistered, hybridAzureADJoined.
* @param JoinType $val The joinType
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setJoinType($val)
$this->_propDict["joinType"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the lastSyncDateTime
* The date and time that the device last completed a successful sync with Intune. This property is read-only.
* @return \DateTime|null The lastSyncDateTime
public function getLastSyncDateTime()
if (array_key_exists("lastSyncDateTime", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["lastSyncDateTime"], "\DateTime") || is_null($this->_propDict["lastSyncDateTime"])) {
return $this->_propDict["lastSyncDateTime"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["lastSyncDateTime"] = new \DateTime($this->_propDict["lastSyncDateTime"]);
return $this->_propDict["lastSyncDateTime"];
return null;
* Sets the lastSyncDateTime
* The date and time that the device last completed a successful sync with Intune. This property is read-only.
* @param \DateTime $val The lastSyncDateTime
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setLastSyncDateTime($val)
$this->_propDict["lastSyncDateTime"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the lostModeState
* Indicates if Lost mode is enabled or disabled. This property is read-only. Possible values are: disabled, enabled.
* @return LostModeState|null The lostModeState
public function getLostModeState()
if (array_key_exists("lostModeState", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["lostModeState"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\LostModeState") || is_null($this->_propDict["lostModeState"])) {
return $this->_propDict["lostModeState"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["lostModeState"] = new LostModeState($this->_propDict["lostModeState"]);
return $this->_propDict["lostModeState"];
return null;
* Sets the lostModeState
* Indicates if Lost mode is enabled or disabled. This property is read-only. Possible values are: disabled, enabled.
* @param LostModeState $val The lostModeState
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setLostModeState($val)
$this->_propDict["lostModeState"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the managedDeviceName
* Automatically generated name to identify a device. Can be overwritten to a user friendly name.
* @return string|null The managedDeviceName
public function getManagedDeviceName()
if (array_key_exists("managedDeviceName", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["managedDeviceName"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the managedDeviceName
* Automatically generated name to identify a device. Can be overwritten to a user friendly name.
* @param string $val The managedDeviceName
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setManagedDeviceName($val)
$this->_propDict["managedDeviceName"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the managedDeviceOwnerType
* Ownership of the device. Can be 'company' or 'personal'. Possible values are: unknown, company, personal.
* @return ManagedDeviceOwnerType|null The managedDeviceOwnerType
public function getManagedDeviceOwnerType()
if (array_key_exists("managedDeviceOwnerType", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["managedDeviceOwnerType"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ManagedDeviceOwnerType") || is_null($this->_propDict["managedDeviceOwnerType"])) {
return $this->_propDict["managedDeviceOwnerType"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["managedDeviceOwnerType"] = new ManagedDeviceOwnerType($this->_propDict["managedDeviceOwnerType"]);
return $this->_propDict["managedDeviceOwnerType"];
return null;
* Sets the managedDeviceOwnerType
* Ownership of the device. Can be 'company' or 'personal'. Possible values are: unknown, company, personal.
* @param ManagedDeviceOwnerType $val The managedDeviceOwnerType
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setManagedDeviceOwnerType($val)
$this->_propDict["managedDeviceOwnerType"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the managementAgent
* Management channel of the device. Intune, EAS, etc. This property is read-only. Possible values are: eas, mdm, easMdm, intuneClient, easIntuneClient, configurationManagerClient, configurationManagerClientMdm, configurationManagerClientMdmEas, unknown, jamf, googleCloudDevicePolicyController, microsoft365ManagedMdm, msSense, intuneAosp.
* @return ManagementAgentType|null The managementAgent
public function getManagementAgent()
if (array_key_exists("managementAgent", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["managementAgent"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ManagementAgentType") || is_null($this->_propDict["managementAgent"])) {
return $this->_propDict["managementAgent"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["managementAgent"] = new ManagementAgentType($this->_propDict["managementAgent"]);
return $this->_propDict["managementAgent"];
return null;
* Sets the managementAgent
* Management channel of the device. Intune, EAS, etc. This property is read-only. Possible values are: eas, mdm, easMdm, intuneClient, easIntuneClient, configurationManagerClient, configurationManagerClientMdm, configurationManagerClientMdmEas, unknown, jamf, googleCloudDevicePolicyController, microsoft365ManagedMdm, msSense, intuneAosp.
* @param ManagementAgentType $val The managementAgent
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setManagementAgent($val)
$this->_propDict["managementAgent"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the managementCertificateExpirationDate
* Reports device management certificate expiration date. This property is read-only.
* @return \DateTime|null The managementCertificateExpirationDate
public function getManagementCertificateExpirationDate()
if (array_key_exists("managementCertificateExpirationDate", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["managementCertificateExpirationDate"], "\DateTime") || is_null($this->_propDict["managementCertificateExpirationDate"])) {
return $this->_propDict["managementCertificateExpirationDate"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["managementCertificateExpirationDate"] = new \DateTime($this->_propDict["managementCertificateExpirationDate"]);
return $this->_propDict["managementCertificateExpirationDate"];
return null;
* Sets the managementCertificateExpirationDate
* Reports device management certificate expiration date. This property is read-only.
* @param \DateTime $val The managementCertificateExpirationDate
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setManagementCertificateExpirationDate($val)
$this->_propDict["managementCertificateExpirationDate"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the managementFeatures
* Device management features. Possible values are: none, microsoftManagedDesktop.
* @return ManagedDeviceManagementFeatures|null The managementFeatures
public function getManagementFeatures()
if (array_key_exists("managementFeatures", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["managementFeatures"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ManagedDeviceManagementFeatures") || is_null($this->_propDict["managementFeatures"])) {
return $this->_propDict["managementFeatures"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["managementFeatures"] = new ManagedDeviceManagementFeatures($this->_propDict["managementFeatures"]);
return $this->_propDict["managementFeatures"];
return null;
* Sets the managementFeatures
* Device management features. Possible values are: none, microsoftManagedDesktop.
* @param ManagedDeviceManagementFeatures $val The managementFeatures
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setManagementFeatures($val)
$this->_propDict["managementFeatures"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the managementState
* Management state of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: managed, retirePending, retireFailed, wipePending, wipeFailed, unhealthy, deletePending, retireIssued, wipeIssued, wipeCanceled, retireCanceled, discovered.
* @return ManagementState|null The managementState
public function getManagementState()
if (array_key_exists("managementState", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["managementState"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ManagementState") || is_null($this->_propDict["managementState"])) {
return $this->_propDict["managementState"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["managementState"] = new ManagementState($this->_propDict["managementState"]);
return $this->_propDict["managementState"];
return null;
* Sets the managementState
* Management state of the device. This property is read-only. Possible values are: managed, retirePending, retireFailed, wipePending, wipeFailed, unhealthy, deletePending, retireIssued, wipeIssued, wipeCanceled, retireCanceled, discovered.
* @param ManagementState $val The managementState
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setManagementState($val)
$this->_propDict["managementState"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the manufacturer
* Manufacturer of the device. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The manufacturer
public function getManufacturer()
if (array_key_exists("manufacturer", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["manufacturer"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the manufacturer
* Manufacturer of the device. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The manufacturer
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setManufacturer($val)
$this->_propDict["manufacturer"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the meid
* MEID. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The meid
public function getMeid()
if (array_key_exists("meid", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["meid"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the meid
* MEID. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The meid
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setMeid($val)
$this->_propDict["meid"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the model
* Model of the device. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The model
public function getModel()
if (array_key_exists("model", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["model"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the model
* Model of the device. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The model
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setModel($val)
$this->_propDict["model"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the notes
* Notes on the device created by IT Admin
* @return string|null The notes
public function getNotes()
if (array_key_exists("notes", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["notes"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the notes
* Notes on the device created by IT Admin
* @param string $val The notes
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setNotes($val)
$this->_propDict["notes"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the operatingSystem
* Operating system of the device. Windows, iOS, etc. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The operatingSystem
public function getOperatingSystem()
if (array_key_exists("operatingSystem", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["operatingSystem"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the operatingSystem
* Operating system of the device. Windows, iOS, etc. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The operatingSystem
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setOperatingSystem($val)
$this->_propDict["operatingSystem"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the osVersion
* Operating system version of the device. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The osVersion
public function getOsVersion()
if (array_key_exists("osVersion", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["osVersion"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the osVersion
* Operating system version of the device. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The osVersion
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setOsVersion($val)
$this->_propDict["osVersion"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the ownerType
* Ownership of the device. Can be 'company' or 'personal'. Possible values are: unknown, company, personal.
* @return OwnerType|null The ownerType
public function getOwnerType()
if (array_key_exists("ownerType", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["ownerType"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\OwnerType") || is_null($this->_propDict["ownerType"])) {
return $this->_propDict["ownerType"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["ownerType"] = new OwnerType($this->_propDict["ownerType"]);
return $this->_propDict["ownerType"];
return null;
* Sets the ownerType
* Ownership of the device. Can be 'company' or 'personal'. Possible values are: unknown, company, personal.
* @param OwnerType $val The ownerType
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setOwnerType($val)
$this->_propDict["ownerType"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the partnerReportedThreatState
* Indicates the threat state of a device when a Mobile Threat Defense partner is in use by the account and device. Read Only. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, activated, deactivated, secured, lowSeverity, mediumSeverity, highSeverity, unresponsive, compromised, misconfigured.
* @return ManagedDevicePartnerReportedHealthState|null The partnerReportedThreatState
public function getPartnerReportedThreatState()
if (array_key_exists("partnerReportedThreatState", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["partnerReportedThreatState"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ManagedDevicePartnerReportedHealthState") || is_null($this->_propDict["partnerReportedThreatState"])) {
return $this->_propDict["partnerReportedThreatState"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["partnerReportedThreatState"] = new ManagedDevicePartnerReportedHealthState($this->_propDict["partnerReportedThreatState"]);
return $this->_propDict["partnerReportedThreatState"];
return null;
* Sets the partnerReportedThreatState
* Indicates the threat state of a device when a Mobile Threat Defense partner is in use by the account and device. Read Only. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, activated, deactivated, secured, lowSeverity, mediumSeverity, highSeverity, unresponsive, compromised, misconfigured.
* @param ManagedDevicePartnerReportedHealthState $val The partnerReportedThreatState
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setPartnerReportedThreatState($val)
$this->_propDict["partnerReportedThreatState"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the phoneNumber
* Phone number of the device. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The phoneNumber
public function getPhoneNumber()
if (array_key_exists("phoneNumber", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["phoneNumber"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the phoneNumber
* Phone number of the device. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The phoneNumber
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setPhoneNumber($val)
$this->_propDict["phoneNumber"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the physicalMemoryInBytes
* Total Memory in Bytes. This property is read-only.
* @return int|null The physicalMemoryInBytes
public function getPhysicalMemoryInBytes()
if (array_key_exists("physicalMemoryInBytes", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["physicalMemoryInBytes"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the physicalMemoryInBytes
* Total Memory in Bytes. This property is read-only.
* @param int $val The physicalMemoryInBytes
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setPhysicalMemoryInBytes($val)
$this->_propDict["physicalMemoryInBytes"] = intval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime
* Reports the DateTime the preferMdmOverGroupPolicy setting was set. When set, the Intune MDM settings will override Group Policy settings if there is a conflict. Read Only. This property is read-only.
* @return \DateTime|null The preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime
public function getPreferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime()
if (array_key_exists("preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime"], "\DateTime") || is_null($this->_propDict["preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime"])) {
return $this->_propDict["preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime"] = new \DateTime($this->_propDict["preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime"]);
return $this->_propDict["preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime"];
return null;
* Sets the preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime
* Reports the DateTime the preferMdmOverGroupPolicy setting was set. When set, the Intune MDM settings will override Group Policy settings if there is a conflict. Read Only. This property is read-only.
* @param \DateTime $val The preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setPreferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime($val)
$this->_propDict["preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the processorArchitecture
* Processor architecture. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, x86, x64, arm, arM64.
* @return ManagedDeviceArchitecture|null The processorArchitecture
public function getProcessorArchitecture()
if (array_key_exists("processorArchitecture", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["processorArchitecture"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\ManagedDeviceArchitecture") || is_null($this->_propDict["processorArchitecture"])) {
return $this->_propDict["processorArchitecture"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["processorArchitecture"] = new ManagedDeviceArchitecture($this->_propDict["processorArchitecture"]);
return $this->_propDict["processorArchitecture"];
return null;
* Sets the processorArchitecture
* Processor architecture. This property is read-only. Possible values are: unknown, x86, x64, arm, arM64.
* @param ManagedDeviceArchitecture $val The processorArchitecture
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setProcessorArchitecture($val)
$this->_propDict["processorArchitecture"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails
* An error string that identifies issues when creating Remote Assistance session objects. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails
public function getRemoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails()
if (array_key_exists("remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails
* An error string that identifies issues when creating Remote Assistance session objects. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setRemoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails($val)
$this->_propDict["remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the remoteAssistanceSessionUrl
* Url that allows a Remote Assistance session to be established with the device. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The remoteAssistanceSessionUrl
public function getRemoteAssistanceSessionUrl()
if (array_key_exists("remoteAssistanceSessionUrl", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["remoteAssistanceSessionUrl"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the remoteAssistanceSessionUrl
* Url that allows a Remote Assistance session to be established with the device. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The remoteAssistanceSessionUrl
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setRemoteAssistanceSessionUrl($val)
$this->_propDict["remoteAssistanceSessionUrl"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the requireUserEnrollmentApproval
* Reports if the managed iOS device is user approval enrollment. This property is read-only.
* @return bool|null The requireUserEnrollmentApproval
public function getRequireUserEnrollmentApproval()
if (array_key_exists("requireUserEnrollmentApproval", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["requireUserEnrollmentApproval"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the requireUserEnrollmentApproval
* Reports if the managed iOS device is user approval enrollment. This property is read-only.
* @param bool $val The requireUserEnrollmentApproval
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setRequireUserEnrollmentApproval($val)
$this->_propDict["requireUserEnrollmentApproval"] = boolval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the retireAfterDateTime
* Indicates the time after when a device will be auto retired because of scheduled action. This property is read-only.
* @return \DateTime|null The retireAfterDateTime
public function getRetireAfterDateTime()
if (array_key_exists("retireAfterDateTime", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["retireAfterDateTime"], "\DateTime") || is_null($this->_propDict["retireAfterDateTime"])) {
return $this->_propDict["retireAfterDateTime"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["retireAfterDateTime"] = new \DateTime($this->_propDict["retireAfterDateTime"]);
return $this->_propDict["retireAfterDateTime"];
return null;
* Sets the retireAfterDateTime
* Indicates the time after when a device will be auto retired because of scheduled action. This property is read-only.
* @param \DateTime $val The retireAfterDateTime
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setRetireAfterDateTime($val)
$this->_propDict["retireAfterDateTime"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the roleScopeTagIds
* List of Scope Tag IDs for this Device instance.
* @return string|null The roleScopeTagIds
public function getRoleScopeTagIds()
if (array_key_exists("roleScopeTagIds", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["roleScopeTagIds"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the roleScopeTagIds
* List of Scope Tag IDs for this Device instance.
* @param string $val The roleScopeTagIds
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setRoleScopeTagIds($val)
$this->_propDict["roleScopeTagIds"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the serialNumber
* SerialNumber. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The serialNumber
public function getSerialNumber()
if (array_key_exists("serialNumber", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["serialNumber"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the serialNumber
* SerialNumber. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The serialNumber
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setSerialNumber($val)
$this->_propDict["serialNumber"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the skuFamily
* Device sku family
* @return string|null The skuFamily
public function getSkuFamily()
if (array_key_exists("skuFamily", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["skuFamily"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the skuFamily
* Device sku family
* @param string $val The skuFamily
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setSkuFamily($val)
$this->_propDict["skuFamily"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the skuNumber
* Device sku number, see also: https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/win32/api/sysinfoapi/nf-sysinfoapi-getproductinfo. Valid values 0 to 2147483647. This property is read-only.
* @return int|null The skuNumber
public function getSkuNumber()
if (array_key_exists("skuNumber", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["skuNumber"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the skuNumber
* Device sku number, see also: https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/win32/api/sysinfoapi/nf-sysinfoapi-getproductinfo. Valid values 0 to 2147483647. This property is read-only.
* @param int $val The skuNumber
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setSkuNumber($val)
$this->_propDict["skuNumber"] = intval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the specificationVersion
* Specification version. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The specificationVersion
public function getSpecificationVersion()
if (array_key_exists("specificationVersion", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["specificationVersion"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the specificationVersion
* Specification version. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The specificationVersion
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setSpecificationVersion($val)
$this->_propDict["specificationVersion"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the subscriberCarrier
* Subscriber Carrier. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The subscriberCarrier
public function getSubscriberCarrier()
if (array_key_exists("subscriberCarrier", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["subscriberCarrier"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the subscriberCarrier
* Subscriber Carrier. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The subscriberCarrier
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setSubscriberCarrier($val)
$this->_propDict["subscriberCarrier"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the totalStorageSpaceInBytes
* Total Storage in Bytes. This property is read-only.
* @return int|null The totalStorageSpaceInBytes
public function getTotalStorageSpaceInBytes()
if (array_key_exists("totalStorageSpaceInBytes", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["totalStorageSpaceInBytes"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the totalStorageSpaceInBytes
* Total Storage in Bytes. This property is read-only.
* @param int $val The totalStorageSpaceInBytes
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setTotalStorageSpaceInBytes($val)
$this->_propDict["totalStorageSpaceInBytes"] = intval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the udid
* Unique Device Identifier for iOS and macOS devices. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The udid
public function getUdid()
if (array_key_exists("udid", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["udid"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the udid
* Unique Device Identifier for iOS and macOS devices. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The udid
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setUdid($val)
$this->_propDict["udid"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the userDisplayName
* User display name. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The userDisplayName
public function getUserDisplayName()
if (array_key_exists("userDisplayName", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["userDisplayName"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the userDisplayName
* User display name. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The userDisplayName
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setUserDisplayName($val)
$this->_propDict["userDisplayName"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the userId
* Unique Identifier for the user associated with the device. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The userId
public function getUserId()
if (array_key_exists("userId", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["userId"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the userId
* Unique Identifier for the user associated with the device. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The userId
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setUserId($val)
$this->_propDict["userId"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the userPrincipalName
* Device user principal name. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The userPrincipalName
public function getUserPrincipalName()
if (array_key_exists("userPrincipalName", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["userPrincipalName"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the userPrincipalName
* Device user principal name. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The userPrincipalName
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setUserPrincipalName($val)
$this->_propDict["userPrincipalName"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the usersLoggedOn
* Indicates the last logged on users of a device. This property is read-only.
* @return array|null The usersLoggedOn
public function getUsersLoggedOn()
if (array_key_exists("usersLoggedOn", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["usersLoggedOn"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the usersLoggedOn
* Indicates the last logged on users of a device. This property is read-only.
* @param LoggedOnUser[] $val The usersLoggedOn
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setUsersLoggedOn($val)
$this->_propDict["usersLoggedOn"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the wiFiMacAddress
* Wi-Fi MAC. This property is read-only.
* @return string|null The wiFiMacAddress
public function getWiFiMacAddress()
if (array_key_exists("wiFiMacAddress", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["wiFiMacAddress"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the wiFiMacAddress
* Wi-Fi MAC. This property is read-only.
* @param string $val The wiFiMacAddress
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setWiFiMacAddress($val)
$this->_propDict["wiFiMacAddress"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the windowsActiveMalwareCount
* Count of active malware for this windows device. This property is read-only.
* @return int|null The windowsActiveMalwareCount
public function getWindowsActiveMalwareCount()
if (array_key_exists("windowsActiveMalwareCount", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["windowsActiveMalwareCount"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the windowsActiveMalwareCount
* Count of active malware for this windows device. This property is read-only.
* @param int $val The windowsActiveMalwareCount
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setWindowsActiveMalwareCount($val)
$this->_propDict["windowsActiveMalwareCount"] = intval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the windowsRemediatedMalwareCount
* Count of remediated malware for this windows device. This property is read-only.
* @return int|null The windowsRemediatedMalwareCount
public function getWindowsRemediatedMalwareCount()
if (array_key_exists("windowsRemediatedMalwareCount", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["windowsRemediatedMalwareCount"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the windowsRemediatedMalwareCount
* Count of remediated malware for this windows device. This property is read-only.
* @param int $val The windowsRemediatedMalwareCount
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setWindowsRemediatedMalwareCount($val)
$this->_propDict["windowsRemediatedMalwareCount"] = intval($val);
return $this;
* Gets the assignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails
* Managed device mobile app configuration states for this device.
* @return array|null The assignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails
public function getAssignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails()
if (array_key_exists("assignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["assignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the assignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails
* Managed device mobile app configuration states for this device.
* @param AssignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails[] $val The assignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setAssignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails($val)
$this->_propDict["assignmentFilterEvaluationStatusDetails"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceCompliancePolicyStates
* Device compliance policy states for this device.
* @return array|null The deviceCompliancePolicyStates
public function getDeviceCompliancePolicyStates()
if (array_key_exists("deviceCompliancePolicyStates", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceCompliancePolicyStates"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the deviceCompliancePolicyStates
* Device compliance policy states for this device.
* @param DeviceCompliancePolicyState[] $val The deviceCompliancePolicyStates
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceCompliancePolicyStates($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceCompliancePolicyStates"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceConfigurationStates
* Device configuration states for this device.
* @return array|null The deviceConfigurationStates
public function getDeviceConfigurationStates()
if (array_key_exists("deviceConfigurationStates", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceConfigurationStates"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the deviceConfigurationStates
* Device configuration states for this device.
* @param DeviceConfigurationState[] $val The deviceConfigurationStates
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceConfigurationStates($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceConfigurationStates"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates
* Managed device mobile app configuration states for this device.
* @return array|null The managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates
public function getManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates()
if (array_key_exists("managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates
* Managed device mobile app configuration states for this device.
* @param ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationState[] $val The managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates($val)
$this->_propDict["managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the securityBaselineStates
* Security baseline states for this device.
* @return array|null The securityBaselineStates
public function getSecurityBaselineStates()
if (array_key_exists("securityBaselineStates", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["securityBaselineStates"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the securityBaselineStates
* Security baseline states for this device.
* @param SecurityBaselineState[] $val The securityBaselineStates
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setSecurityBaselineStates($val)
$this->_propDict["securityBaselineStates"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the detectedApps
* All applications currently installed on the device
* @return array|null The detectedApps
public function getDetectedApps()
if (array_key_exists("detectedApps", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["detectedApps"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the detectedApps
* All applications currently installed on the device
* @param DetectedApp[] $val The detectedApps
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDetectedApps($val)
$this->_propDict["detectedApps"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the deviceCategory
* Device category
* @return DeviceCategory|null The deviceCategory
public function getDeviceCategory()
if (array_key_exists("deviceCategory", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["deviceCategory"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\DeviceCategory") || is_null($this->_propDict["deviceCategory"])) {
return $this->_propDict["deviceCategory"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["deviceCategory"] = new DeviceCategory($this->_propDict["deviceCategory"]);
return $this->_propDict["deviceCategory"];
return null;
* Sets the deviceCategory
* Device category
* @param DeviceCategory $val The deviceCategory
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setDeviceCategory($val)
$this->_propDict["deviceCategory"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the logCollectionRequests
* List of log collection requests
* @return array|null The logCollectionRequests
public function getLogCollectionRequests()
if (array_key_exists("logCollectionRequests", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["logCollectionRequests"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the logCollectionRequests
* List of log collection requests
* @param DeviceLogCollectionResponse[] $val The logCollectionRequests
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setLogCollectionRequests($val)
$this->_propDict["logCollectionRequests"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the users
* The primary users associated with the managed device.
* @return array|null The users
public function getUsers()
if (array_key_exists("users", $this->_propDict)) {
return $this->_propDict["users"];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the users
* The primary users associated with the managed device.
* @param User[] $val The users
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setUsers($val)
$this->_propDict["users"] = $val;
return $this;
* Gets the windowsProtectionState
* The device protection status. This property is read-only.
* @return WindowsProtectionState|null The windowsProtectionState
public function getWindowsProtectionState()
if (array_key_exists("windowsProtectionState", $this->_propDict)) {
if (is_a($this->_propDict["windowsProtectionState"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\WindowsProtectionState") || is_null($this->_propDict["windowsProtectionState"])) {
return $this->_propDict["windowsProtectionState"];
} else {
$this->_propDict["windowsProtectionState"] = new WindowsProtectionState($this->_propDict["windowsProtectionState"]);
return $this->_propDict["windowsProtectionState"];
return null;
* Sets the windowsProtectionState
* The device protection status. This property is read-only.
* @param WindowsProtectionState $val The windowsProtectionState
* @return ManagedDevice
public function setWindowsProtectionState($val)
$this->_propDict["windowsProtectionState"] = $val;
return $this;