_propDict)) { return $this->_propDict["detectionValue"]; } else { return null; } } /** * Sets the detectionValue * The detection value * * @param string $val The value of the detectionValue * * @return Win32LobAppRequirement */ public function setDetectionValue($val) { $this->_propDict["detectionValue"] = $val; return $this; } /** * Gets the operator * The operator for detection. Possible values are: notConfigured, equal, notEqual, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual. * * @return Win32LobAppDetectionOperator|null The operator */ public function getOperator() { if (array_key_exists("operator", $this->_propDict)) { if (is_a($this->_propDict["operator"], "\Beta\Microsoft\Graph\Model\Win32LobAppDetectionOperator") || is_null($this->_propDict["operator"])) { return $this->_propDict["operator"]; } else { $this->_propDict["operator"] = new Win32LobAppDetectionOperator($this->_propDict["operator"]); return $this->_propDict["operator"]; } } return null; } /** * Sets the operator * The operator for detection. Possible values are: notConfigured, equal, notEqual, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual. * * @param Win32LobAppDetectionOperator $val The value to assign to the operator * * @return Win32LobAppRequirement The Win32LobAppRequirement */ public function setOperator($val) { $this->_propDict["operator"] = $val; return $this; } }